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  2.生词:通讯:communicate (with sb.) vi. communication n.

  互联网:the Internet n.


  从材料的呈现方式(两幅图对比)及材料所提供的要求“描述变化及影响”可知,本文应该用说明文体来写作。时态的把握是本文的一大难点,一般情况下,说明文应用一般现在时,但本文描述的是今昔通讯方式的变化,所以在描写过去通讯方式的时候要用一般过去时,例如in the past, people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone 及It used to take several days to hear from each other.在描写过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响时,谓语动词要用现在完成时,例如本文的起始句可用“Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life in recent years”及讲述影响的过渡句“with these changes, people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more dfficient”. 相对来说,本文用第三人称容易把握。


  Great changes have taken place in the way of communication in people’s life in recent years.

  In the past, people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing letters or using the public telephone. But now almost everyone has his own mobile phone.People can communicate with each other almost at any place and at any time. What’s more, people have easy access to the Internet, which enables them to send and receive e-mails whenever they like.With these changes, people’s pace of life has been quickened and people’s work has been made more efficient. It used to take several days to hear from each other, but now it takes only several minutes, even if they are in two different continents.

  In a word, people have an easier life nowadays.


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