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3. 两个事实错误的类比 Even if…(让步,即使某个条件成立) the argument unfairly assumes that…(说明错误的类比的情况). It is entirely possible that the …(比较对象) own different situations. Perhaps …(具体说出反例) Without accounting for such differences between the two places is unreliable. 4. 错误的推论 Even if …(让步,即使某个条件成立)the argument relied on the future assumption that …(说出要让步的是事实). Yet the only evidence the argument offer to substantiate this assumption (说出文中的根据). Perhaps …(说出有可能出现的其他情况导致这个事实)if so, (说出不一样的结果,与上面事实相矛盾). Or…(其他的情况) In short, without more information about…(对上面的可能情况总结) were established it is impossible to assess …(回到上面的结论). 新GRE考试经典写作模板汇总:结论的攻击 1. 说明结论不完美,可以有其他的方法 Finally, the argument fails to consider …(有更好的办法实现目标). Perhaps by…(办法一), or by (办法二), (对目标进行展望) In short, without weighing the suggestion against alternatives, it is unconvincing that (说明提供的方案不好). 2. 赢利 Finally, even if the families support to build the new seafood restaurant, the restaurant would not necessarily be profitable as a result. Profitability is a function of both revenue and expense. Thus, it is quite possible that the restaurant’s costs of obtaining high-quality and healthy seafood or of new promoting restaurant might render it unprofitable despite its popularity. Without weighing revenue against expenses the argument’s conclusion is premature at best. 新GRE考试经典写作模板汇总:结尾段
In sum, the argument seems logical, but is based on nothing more than pure speculation and perhaps wishful thinking, yet lack of some warranted investigation. To strength it, the author needs to evaluate all possible alternatives and provide detail and comprehensive evidence before jumping to the conclusion that …(文中的结论) 以上就是为大家整理的新GRE考试经典写作模板汇总,希望对各位考生有所帮助。当然,要想获得新GRE满分作文,仅靠几个GRE作文模板是肯定不够的。所以平时脚踏实地地多加练习、积累写作经验,提高写作能力也很有必要。