想要在GRE作文部分的考试中写出优秀的文章,论据素材是重要的一环。好的论据不仅能帮助你支撑观点,加强说服力,还能体现出考生在阅读量上的积累和深厚扎实的语言功底基础。特别是ISSUE作文,更是需要大量好素材作为储备,才能保证考生无论遭遇那种题目,都能游刃有余地完成一篇高分作文的写作。小编为大家整理了GRE ISSUE作文各类题目的精品优质素材,一起来看吧。
The strategies that Dr. Martin Luther King used were non-violent resistance. Martin Luther King believed in non-violence resistance because of the situation that blacks were in at the time. If a dispute was to break out between a black man and a white man and it resulted in physical violence, the black man would not even be asked what happened; instead, the white man put the blame upon the black man. But with the use of the non-violence resistance method, you can use the press to publicize what is being done when a black man is being attacked just for obeying the law and doing what everyday people do every day. What should African Americans do in the face of violence? —Martin Luther King made a pamphlet saying the do‟s and don‟ts to avoid having violence with a white person when riding on a bus. This pamphlet was made to all black people who were taking the bus in order to avoid any violence. It caught national attention which basically started the civil rights movement.
What is the path to greatest strength and dignity? The greatest path to strength and dignity is the path where you believe in what you are doing. It should be emphasized that nonviolent resistance is not for cowards. It takes more courage to stand up to somebody hitting and do nothing hitting back.
马克斯·韦伯观点: 官僚主义
Max Weber has probably been one of the most influential users of the word in its social science sense. He is well-known for his study of bureaucratization of society. Many aspects of modern public administration go back to him and a classic, hierarchically organized civil service of the continental type is—if perhaps mistakenly—called “Weberian civil service”.
Weber described the ideal type bureaucracy in positive terms, considering it to be a more rational and efficient form of organization than the alternatives that preceded it, which he characterized as charismatic domination and traditional domination. According to his terminology, bureaucracy is part of legal domination. However, he also emphasized that bureaucracy becomes inefficient when a decision must be adapted to an individual case.
According to Weber, the attributes of modern bureaucracy include its impersonality, concentration of the means of administration, a leveling effect on social and economic differences and implementation of a system of authority that is practically indestructible.
Weber‟s analysis of bureaucracy concerns:
1. The historical and administrative reasons for the process of bureaucratization (especially in the Western civilization)
2. The impact of the rule of law upon the functioning of bureaucratic organizations
3. The typical personal orientation and occupational position of a bureaucratic officials as a status group
4. The most important attributes and consequences of bureaucracy in the modern world