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电视暴力的影响: 孩子

Exposure to violence is not believed to increase aggression, but being aggressive increases preference for violent television. Children observe what is considered novel aggressive behavior and learn vicariously that aggressive acts are rewarded. The more a child can relate to the characters in the program, the more likely he/she will be to emulate the characters‟ actions. Not only do the actions of a child reflect the programs viewed, but watching a violent program causes desensitization. There is a widespread agreement that television habits can be harmful. Psychologically speaking the effects can be devastating.


As technology improves and the amount of violent entertainment increases, images become more graphic and portray of violence has become more realistic. Television viewing affects children of different ages in different ways. While a child may spend many hours in front of a television set at an early age, the programming has little effect. At the age of two a child will imitate the actions of the live model, example a parent more than a model on television. However, by the age of three the child will begin to imitate the TV characters. The attitudes toward television drastically change over a child‟s life. When researching the effects of television, various points need to be taken into consideration, certain issues effect people in different ways, for example pornography. However, most parents do not realize that whether aggression is presented in a realistic way or in a cartoon, it makes no difference to a child who has a difficult time differentiating between the two.

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本文标题:GRE写作Issue部分精品素材分享之电视暴力对孩子的影响 - GRE作文_GRE范文


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