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For something to require rights and protection intrinsically, it must have interests. Deep ecology is criticized for presuming that plants, for example, have their own interests. Deep ecologists claim to identify with the environment, and in doing so, criticize those who claim they have no understanding what the environment‟s interests are. The criticism is that the interests that a deep ecologist purports to give to nature, such as growth, survival, balance are really human interests. “The earth is endowed with „wisdom‟, wilderness equates with „freedom‟, and life forms are said

to emit „moral‟ qualities.” It has also been argued that species and ecosystems themselves have rights. However, the overarching criticism assumes that humans, in governing their own affairs, are somehow immune from this same assumption, i.e. how can governing humans truly presume to understand the interests of the rest of humanity. While the deep ecologist critic would answer that the logical application of language and social mores would provide this justification, i.e. voting patterns etc, the deep ecologist would note that these “interests” are ultimately observable solely from the logical application of the behavior of the life form, which is the same standard used by deep ecologists to perceive the standard of interests for the natural world.


The size bias is not restricted to consideration of microbes. Entomologist Nigel Stork states that “to a first approximation, all multicellular species on Earth are insects”.

A reply to this, however, is that biodiversity conservation has never focused exclusively on visible (in this sense) species. From the very beginning, the classification and conservation of natural communities or ecosystem types has been a central part of the effort. The thought behind this has been that since invisible (in this sense) diversity is, due to lack of taxonomy, impossible to treat in the same manner as visible diversity, the best that can be done is to preserve a diversity of ecosystem types, thereby preserving as well as possible the diversity of invisible organisms.


Nuisance wildlife management is the term given to the process of selective removal of problem individuals or populations of certain species of wildlife. Some species of wildife may become habituated to man‟s presence causing property damage or risk transfer of disease to humans or pets (zoonosis). Many wildlife species coexist with humans very successfully. In fact, commensal rodents have become more or less dependent on people.

Common wildlife pests include squirrels, opossums, raccoons, bats, voles, deer, mice, coyotes, bears, ravens, seagulls, woodpeckers and pigeons. Some of these species are protected by state or federal regulations, such as bears, ravens, bats, deer, woodpeckers, and coyotes, and a permit may be required to control some species.

Wildlife species are usually only pests in certain situations, such as when their number becomes excessive in a particular area. Human change in the environment will often result in increased numbers of a species. For example, piles of scrap building material make excellent sites for rodents to frequent. Food left out for household pets is often equally attractive to some wildlife species. In these situations, the wildlife has suitable food and habitat and will usually become a nuisance.

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