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雅思写作真题:Population Ageing推荐范文

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雅思写作真题:Population Ageing


The trend of the proportion of older people is increasing steadily. Is it positive or negative to society?




older people

“老年人”有很多说法,这个词在文章中肯定会多次出现,因此一定要做好同义替换准备。elderly people, the elderly,pensioners, senior citizens都可以,但要少用old people.

ageing society (Br.E.) / aging society (Am.E.)


关于ageing society的相关知识,请阅读维基百科






1.Surveys show that in many countries,people are living longer but increased life expectancy has manyimplications for the aging inpiduals and for society as a whole.What are the possible effects of longer living for inpiduals andsociety? (100306)

2.Some people believe that in order togive opportunities to the new generation, companies shouldencourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire. Doyou agree or disagree? (030712, 030809)

3.In many countries today there isinsufficient respect to old people. What are the reasons? Whatproblems might it bring to the society? (060708)

4.The older generations have verytraditional ideas about the correct ways of life, thinking andbehaviour. However, some people think that these ideas are nothelpful for the young generation to prepare for modern life. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?(080119)

5.Some countries have anever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 andyounger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects itmay have in those countries? (080419)



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