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 Computers are widely used in education and some people think teachers are not playing an important role in classroom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  The 21st century is the period of information, in which computers will play an important role in every area of our lives. Recently, computer assisted education has become more and more popular in primary schools, high schools and colleges. The computer’s multimedia abilities make the classes lively and interesting. As a result, some people have said that teachers are no longer playing a significant role in classroom.I can hardly agree with them.


  First, it is the teacher who creates the software used in class. For example, the software may be an outline of the teacher’s lecture.If you listen to some lectures, you will find that the lectures contain far more information than the multimedia software includes. While showing the class, most teachers will expand the knowledge extent, especially adding some latest discoveries and breakthroughs. So, the computer is just an assistant, which makes the class more vivid and clear. Teachers and students are the main part of a class.


  Second, computers cannot organize activities in class in place of teachers. For example, we often do some group work during classes, and it is the teachers who set the groups and control the time. After checking our homework, teachers will understand what the real weakness of students is, and adjust their classes to improve their teaching, while computers cannot.


  Moreover,the interaction between students and teachers is very useful.During the asking and answering of questions, students pose problems and find answers more clearly. But computers, now, have not that intelligence.


  All in all, although computer technology is developing very quickly and computers can solve more and more problems without people, teachers still play an important role in class. And I insist that, no matter how the technology develops, teachers will be in the front of the classroom forever

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