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 The computer is widely used in education,and some people think teachers do not play important roles in the classroom. To what extend do you agree or disagree?


  with the development of new techonology and science,computer are widely used in education.therefore,some people think we dont need teachers anymore.i totally disagree with the above point.


  there is no denying that the computer bring great benefit to people and are of great help to can be programmed to simple digits of question,as the students answer these digits,their theoritical knowledge can be reinforced.


  however,in practice and learning of complex questions,computer can never replace the humain brain or surpass the human only can tell your the final correct answer.but it cant provide students opportunity to think over it,which limited their creativity.teaching itself is an art rather than a machnican activity.therefore,teachers function can not be neglected. only can do work according to the procedure fomulated previously.they can not answer all question in defferent way.teachers,however,can teach students according their attitute.some students who have better ability to accept knowledge,under teachers'guidance,can be save time to gain other knowledge.


  secondly,facing the vivid dilivery from teachers,students can be improved their motivation and concentration.the effective communication operated by teachers not only can help students understand the knowledge,teachers also can teach students how to be a valuable people,which cant be done by computer.


  in addition,various teaching methods can help student absorb the knowledge rapidly.when students meet with the thorny question,teachers not only can explain it in different way,they also can show them the important deductive process.


  therefore,i would say teacher is the good compesation for flexiabilly lacting in the computer.i totally disagree with view that we dont need teachers anymore!

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