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  Version 00111(2003.2.4日 英国诺丁汗 (a类)

  Is it nature or nurture that plays a major role in the development of personality? What's your opinion?


  IN certain respects, children are the same all over the world. But many factors affect the development of children, both parental support and education being major influences. There are vast differences between schooling styles, and parental attitudes towards children, in China and the West.

  Some of these differences have obvious causes, for example, the "Little Emperor" syndrome in China. Parents everywhere have dreams for their offspring. However, the concentration of energy invested into planning for a child's future is noticeable in China, as it is not diluted by the presence of siblings.

  This adoration can be seen in other ways. One of the most common is spoiling children, giving them everything they want. Some of the time this is a reward for good work, although there are children who receive all they want merely because they demand it from their parents.

  Hard work?

  Parents also have this tendency to spoil children in the West. If a child does start to see itself as the all-deserving star of the Universe,usually its siblings will tease and bully the child until it stops feeling self-important.

  Another contrast between the upbringing of children in China and the West is in schooling. Without a doubt, Chinese children work harder than their European and American counterparts. Their industriousness is admirable, and in comparison, Western students are lazy. In European countries, teenagers will often have a Saturday job, or holiday job, to supplement their allowance.

  This is rare in China,where education is considered of paramount importance, and time working detracts from study.The same contrast is true of romantic relationships between teenagers. I spoke to Han Li, a 16-year old student in Huhhot, about boyfriends. She said: "I have no time for a boyfriend, even if I did want one. I must study hard, there is a lot of pressure on me to get good grades and go to university."

  The style of teaching is very different in China from in the West. The notion of "repeating after a teacher'' seems old-fashioned and redundant in America and Europe. Large class sizes may be the reason for the popularity of this teaching method. In England, any class over 30 is considered large enough to impair learning. However, I have noticed that this parrot-style of learning is being replaced with more progressive methods of education in many Chinese schools.

  The perfect solution would be to combine Western and Chinese education methods. Combat the laziness and apathy of Western students; encourage initiative within Chinese students, by expecting independent thought as opposed to mindless repetition. As for spoilt kids anywhere, some of these children would benefit from a smack on the bum.

  Genevieve Roberts graduated from Leeds University, England. She has spent the last eight months teaching in China. Anyone with unusual cultural or social experiences who wants to share them with us here at 21st Century can send a copy to


  There has been an argument on personality and individual’s development for a long time. The key point of the dispute is which factor plays a more important role, genes or training after birth? In my opinion, the latter is the crucial complication, though genes are significant.

  Although genes have great effects on one’s personality, environment plays a more important role in his further development. Let’s take an experiment for instance. There was a research on a couple of identical twins who were born in a big city, but they were separated after birth. One was taken to a poor suburban area, while the other remained in the city. Fifteen years later, surely, the one in city grew tall, strong, extroverted and well educated. By contrast, the other was short, thin, introverted and nearly illiterate. This well demonstrates the importance of nurturing.

  In addition, education, especially early education, is another key factor.When children are very young, they try to imitate their parents’ behaviors, and run into some manners. After going to school, different education systems and even different courses students taking will make influence on their personalities and ideas. Students of science and technology subjects are good at logical thinking, while students of arts usually think in terms of imagine.

  As you can tell from my comments above, no one can choose his nature,but one can be greatly successful after striving for himself or being well educated. And no one can be successful relying on his genes without good environment. So, in my opinion, environmental influence and education will ultimately decide one’s personality and development.


  Nowhere in the world has the issue of children’s education been so much debated as in our society. Nowadays, many parents let their children attend all kinds of courses that will help children to get a better future; therefore, some people think that the postnatal nurture is more important than the congenital factors for personal growth and progress. The above point is certainly true; this essay will outline three reasons.

  The main reason is that success of a child would not be separated from right teaching and personal effort. Currently, lots of famous scientists and politicians gain huge success in the world, as they are long-term to hard work. Moreover, the main reason why plenty of developing countries drop behind is their poor education.

  Another reason is that if people do not work hard but only depend on their high intellect, they will be far from successful. For instance, the little Bronte was quite clever during his childhood; he was particularly adept at writing.

  But he was so satisfied with his superior intellect that he did not study carefully. Finally, he became an idle person. However, his sisters became famous authors as a result of their hard study. They are Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte. Charlotte wrote “Jane Eyre “, “Wuthering Heights” was written by Emily.

  Last but not the least reason is the advantages of natural factors that are more and more similar.Plenty of advanced technological products are invented and widely used.They can supply people’s gaps.In the past, the difference of mathematical ability was remarkable. With the invention of the calculator, people can hardly find out the difference.

  In conclusion, scientific and proper teaching is the most significant factor for personal growth and development. If people are satisfied with their advantages, they will become the biggest failures.



  Nowadays, most of children are the center of a family, so the issue about which plays major role in personality, nature or nurture, is paid increasing attention by parents. As to me, I am fond of that molding one's character depends on nurture rather than nature.

  People's character will affect greatly by the people around them especially their parents. The survey proves the possibility of commit of person who deleted born in a family which have a crime is one to four times higher than the normal family's person's. To image, when a child shape character, always have a bad example around him or her, no wonder the crime possibility is much higher. So just as the saying goes:" he who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl."

  Moreover, the growing environment influences child's personality unconsciously. There is a famous story in China: Aiming to find a willing studying condition, a mother moves for three times. They at last move nearby school. From then on, the boy who used to be naughty corrects his bad habits and changes into a hardworking student. After he grows up, this boy becomes one of the greatest philosophers in Chinese history---Mencius.

  This story really shows how important role that the environment play in children's personality.

  Of course, we couldn't neglect the effect of nature, such as parents' gene. The child is a chip off the old block. Some characters proved by medical research have already existed before human were born.

  All in all, as for one person's, both nature and nurture influence the development of quality. Personally, I believe the nurture can partly make up the shortage of nature.

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