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  verson 113 task 1

  there is a chart which illustrate the number of softwoods and hardwoods in new south wales, australia from 1990 to 1998, which was divided into five short periods.

  as we can see from the diagram, the number of softwoods increased steadily from the period of 1990-1991 to the period of 1996-1997, peaking at x1, and then decreased slightly in 1998. however, there was a slight increase in the number of hardwoods at the first three periods. by 1996 this trend continued to climb up at a quicker rate especially from 1997 to 1998 and reached a peak at x2.

  obviously, the number of the hardwoods went up dramatically during the whole period while the corresponding data of the softwoods fluctuate slightly. i rather say, both the numbers of hardwoods and softwoods went up gradually the first 7 years, while softwoods come down to the level similar to that of the year before, noticeably, hardwoods multiplied its number to more than two time in 1998 than one year before

  114 TASK 1

  According to an investigation of girls and boys watching TV in a school day, we can see that fewer and fewer students have a chance to watch TV being face with a heavy school day.

  It is shown in the table that about 50 percent of girls and boys can watch TV for 1 to 5 hours. Approximately 20 percent of girls have less than 1 hour to watch TV and the percentage of boys is much lower, which is almost the same as the situation of watching for 5 to 9 hours. We will be astonished to see that less than 5 percent of children have no time to watch TV but the same percentage of them have more than 9 hours to watch.

  As is described in the table, we can find that the latest time is allowed for watching TV is centered on the time between 7:30pm to 11:00pm. Nearly 50 percent of children have to stop watching at 7:30pm to 9:30pm and 40 percent at 9:30pm to 11:00pm. Nevertheless, there are still a few students indulge in the TV world after 11:00pm.

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