举一个简单话题“城市空气污染的原因”(Cause for air pollution in cities)的一个body段为例。以雅思预备4级班某学员作文为例,虽然有思路,但写得比较“没味道”,缺乏学术文章要求的可读性:
①First of all, there are more and more cars in the city. ②Cars can produce some bad gases. ③These kinds of gases cause air pollution. ④Secondly, some cities have factories. ⑤And factories sometimes can make pollution into the air. ⑥These are the two main reasons for air pollution in the city.
①First of all, there are more and more cars in the city.
改写:There is no denying that with the ongoing process of modernization, the number of motor vehicles in the urban area is constantly on the rise.
(评注:每一个观点开头时不一定非要用first of all...secondly...thirdly,换一种更自然的开头方式也许效果会更好。另外,there be句型确实很万能、很好用,但是如果在任何表意时都用它的话,句型会十分单调。还需要强调一下,换主语的方式有时候也会带来惊喜哦,给文章增加多样化的色彩。)
②Cars can produce some bad gas. ③These kinds of gases cause air pollution.
改写:Unfortunately, taking fossil fuels as the dominant propulsion source, these cars could emit a considerable amount of carbon dioxide and even toxic gases, which is largely responsible for the air pollution in the city.
(评注:像②和③句这样内容关联很紧密的内容,其实可以合成一句话,使得逻辑上面更加紧凑、合理,英文里面用which引导的定语从句就可以把这个问题解决了;和第①句中with…modernization的状语结构类似,第②和③句中采用了动词+ing结构的状语从句,使句子结构更加丰富;此外,可以加入fossil fuels、carbon dioxide这样的词汇来丰富句意中的细节,使文章的内容不止流于表面化;最后,用be largely responsible这样的结构来表意,平时注意多积累不同的表达方式,可以使考试时不会只想到A is B的最简单枯燥的表达。)
④Secondly, some cities have factories. ⑤And factories sometimes can make pollution into the air.
改写:What is more, some factories could be positioned within the cities or even in the downtown area due to various reasons, which could contribute a lot to the poor quality of air in its neighborhood.
(评注:与上面第②和③句的情况类似,这两句也可以合并为一句话,使逻辑连贯性更佳;尤其还可以注意,句末没有再次重复写city,那词汇的多样性就无法体现,而是换了个意思而写成neighborhood,使整句话意思更加丰富;此外,大家也可以学习下contribute to的用法,很实用。)
⑥These are the two main reasons for air pollution in the city.
改写:Thus, car and factory emissions both pose as threats to the air quality in urban areas to a great extent.
举一个简单话题“城市空气污染的原因”(Cause for air pollution in cities)的一个body段为例。以雅思预备4级班某学员作文为例,虽然有思路,但写得比较“没味道”,缺乏学术文章要求的可读性:
①First of all, there are more and more cars in the city. ②Cars can produce some bad gases. ③These kinds of gases cause air pollution. ④Secondly, some cities have factories. ⑤And factories sometimes can make pollution into the air. ⑥These are the two main reasons for air pollution in the city.
①First of all, there are more and more cars in the city.
改写:There is no denying that with the ongoing process of modernization, the number of motor vehicles in the urban area is constantly on the rise.
(评注:每一个观点开头时不一定非要用first of all...secondly...thirdly,换一种更自然的开头方式也许效果会更好。另外,there be句型确实很万能、很好用,但是如果在任何表意时都用它的话,句型会十分单调。还需要强调一下,换主语的方式有时候也会带来惊喜哦,给文章增加多样化的色彩。)
②Cars can produce some bad gas. ③These kinds of gases cause air pollution.
改写:Unfortunately, taking fossil fuels as the dominant propulsion source, these cars could emit a considerable amount of carbon dioxide and even toxic gases, which is largely responsible for the air pollution in the city.
(评注:像②和③句这样内容关联很紧密的内容,其实可以合成一句话,使得逻辑上面更加紧凑、合理,英文里面用which引导的定语从句就可以把这个问题解决了;和第①句中with…modernization的状语结构类似,第②和③句中采用了动词+ing结构的状语从句,使句子结构更加丰富;此外,可以加入fossil fuels、carbon dioxide这样的词汇来丰富句意中的细节,使文章的内容不止流于表面化;最后,用be largely responsible这样的结构来表意,平时注意多积累不同的表达方式,可以使考试时不会只想到A is B的最简单枯燥的表达。)
④Secondly, some cities have factories. ⑤And factories sometimes can make pollution into the air.
改写:What is more, some factories could be positioned within the cities or even in the downtown area due to various reasons, which could contribute a lot to the poor quality of air in its neighborhood.
(评注:与上面第②和③句的情况类似,这两句也可以合并为一句话,使逻辑连贯性更佳;尤其还可以注意,句末没有再次重复写city,那词汇的多样性就无法体现,而是换了个意思而写成neighborhood,使整句话意思更加丰富;此外,大家也可以学习下contribute to的用法,很实用。)
⑥These are the two main reasons for air pollution in the city.
改写:Thus, car and factory emissions both pose as threats to the air quality in urban areas to a great extent.
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