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Why You Should Start Your English Blog Now China Classifieds!

  Introduction ( 38words)

  Human's endeavor in researching on factors affecting one's personality and development has offered quite a amount of proofs. My position may provide you with a clear notion that nurture plays a far more important role in one's development.

  Body 1 (95words)

  Reportedly there was a maid, a countryside girl with only an educational background of primary school, working for an American professor who worked in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. After two years of stay at the learned and exotic surroundings, amazingly this plain girl could speak fluent English and started to help the host to receive and send e-mails to his students. When the professor left for New York later, soon she sought a post at a multinational firm. This example clearly reveals a common truth: appropriate nurture can turn an average person to be competent. (topic sentence)

  Body 2 (89words)

  I will then go on to examine my position by offering other facts. It is well believed that overseas graduates who once furthered their education in foreign universities are taking incredible places in China because these elites have a broader way of thinking and their bilingual and creative capabilities have proved themselves much better than domestic ones. In contrast, some people show their linguistic talent by precisely speaking a variety of dialects but still lead a poor life because no foreign language learning process has been conducted for them.

  Conclusion ( 42words)

  To sum up, the competence of a former maid and the qualities of overseas Chinese students already illustrate an undeniable fact: a right way of nurture can mould one to be outstanding whilst extraordinary nature without nurture is a waste of resource.

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