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  There is a dispute over what plays a chief role in one’s personality and development. Some maintain that it is concluded by the characteristic people born with, whereas others are confident that it defers to the experiences people have had in the life. For my part, I tend to share the latter point of view, and I would like to give two major reasons in the following.

  On one hand, wealth and material status have an import effect on people’s personality. According to Maslow’s Theory, basic needs is human being’s primary requirement. Without solving the basic demand for food and clothes, people’s character is vulnerable to be ruined and can hardly develop in other spheres. For example, there were twins born in a poor countryside. One of them was adopted by a rich relative and lived in a???? metropolis, but the other stayed in village. Thirty years later, the urban son grew up into a prosperous professional, while the rural one was uneducated and made a hard life. It is different material condition that contributes to this contrast.

  On the other hand, education, particularly the education from one’s childhood to adolescence, has a final say on his development. Children are too young to distinguish good from bad. They ought to be taken under the guidance of parents and teachers. Sensible ideas and decent behaviors lead them to become moral persons. Something evil, otherwise, such as violent films and drugs, make them stray from the right way. Herewith, people with excellent development are usually well educated.

  To sum up, diverse contributing factors can be identified, nevertheless, I still insist that acquired experiences have much more influence on people’s personality and development. What we must do is making sure that the positive ones are encouraged and the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible.

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本文标题:2013年雅思考试写作范文34 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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