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  Apparently, it would seem that universities should accept equal numbers of male and female student to study in every subject. In fact, however, men and women should share equal opportunities, not the equal enrolment figures in every subject.

  Among countless factors which influence my inclination on this issue, there is a most conspicuous one: different academic aptitude results in unequal percentage between men and women in some subjects. In light of medical research, as for women, their left hemisphere of brains are more developed than their right hemisphere of brains, leading to their strong suits are arts, such as linguistics, language. By contrast, men are good at science and technology due to their different brain structure from women’s. Thus, it will be a ridiculous decision to admit equal numbers of male and female students in same major regardless of their different academic aptitude.

  The second reason relates to the careers that men and women will engage after graduation. As we know, no matter male or female students have rights to choose the majors what they are interested in, whereas, it may be found that some jobs concerned with their majors are not suitable for them. For example, it is undoubted that the kindergartner is not an appropriate profession for men. Besides, many companies still do not change their prejudice to female students in some fields. Sometimes, they may reject a qualified female applicant because of their discrimination attitude. Obviously, whether they can successfully find jobs is another factor that students have to consider before study.

  In summary, judging from all the evidence offered, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that universities do not need to accept equal numbers of male and female students. More importantly, the equal work opportunities without sexual discrimination should be provided.

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