

阅读 : 167 次


  The chart shows the status of government finance in four countries, England America, Kenya, D, and it classifies the expenditure in four part, including Education, Defense, Health, and other.

  The common ground of four countries is expenditure in other accounts for the primary part, which all are close to seventy per cent. The cost in health is also similar in four countries. From the chart we could know that the invest in health in these countries holds ten per cent in all government expenditure equally, except in England, the health expenditure of which is about fifteen per cent.

  The differences are in the part of the cost in Education and Defense. In England and America, the governments pay more attention to the defense. Respectively, there are ten per cent in the full cost in England and fifteen in America. On the other hand, In Kenya and D, more expending is used in Education, the cost of which is about fifteen per cent. The cost in Defense in both countries is a little.

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