

阅读 : 123 次


  The following curved chart show the situation concerning the costs of videos sales and rentals trade in EU and US from 1992 to 2000. The abscissa of the chart represents the value of each element, and the ordinate figures the time during 8 years.

  In rental trade, there are dramatically different between the situation of US and EU. in 1992, there are almost$6000 profits in US. However, the trade in EU only generalized $2500 at the same time. Then the trend kept climbing in following year though there were still some little drops in US, while EU got the decrease from $ 2500 to $1500.

  Regarding the situation of sales trade, there were very close figures in 1992 respectively $2000 in US and $1800 in EU. Then the data in US had ascended without any fall in the period. Simultaneously, after a series fluctuations, the data in EU dropped to $1000 in 2000.

  From the chart, the value about videos sales and rental in US is much than EU. Rentals are popular in US during this stage, while sales were developing very fast. Both rental and sales in EU kept drop from 1992 to 2000.

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