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  The first bar chart show that the goals of the learners could change with their age, under 26 about 90% people start for their careers. While only about 10% are just for their interests. However when people are over 49, over 70% people are for their own interest, comparing with less than 40% for careers. This is an interesting situation. Companying with the increase of age, from under 26 to above 49, the percentage of the people studying for careers is decreasing gradually, from 90% to 40%. By contrast more and more people study for interest from about 10% up to about 75%, and they are equal approximately during 40 and 49.

  According to the second chart, there is a waving change between age and employee support. Indeed, the highest spot of employee support is under 26,up to 60%. Then the percentage is diminishing step by step. And during 30and39,it reaches the lowest spot ,about,it increases slowly again. Until above 49,it has gotten about50%.

  Those two charts demonstrate the interesting relationship between people’s age goal and employee support.

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本文标题:2013年雅思考试写作范文63 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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