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 Revised draft by Wang Rutao(以下是经我改写后的范文)

  There is no doubt that international cooperation, from private enterprises to governments, has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. It is not only conducive to economic globalization, but beneficial for almost every country as well.

  Some people claim that international cooperation is good for environmental protection. They are well aware that every country has its unique way of protecting environment. For example, the Dutch do well in disposing of wastes. If their advanced technology can be introduced into the developing countries that can hardly invent it, not only some countries or groups but also perhaps all of the people living on earth will benefit a lot. To be sure, the countries that have invented these technologies may have to suffer economic losses on a certain level unless their intellectual property rights are protected by the governments.

  On the other hand, others hold the view that the main advantage of international cooperation is evident in terms of business. It is true that import and export trade plays a major role in a country’s economic development. For instance, a modern car often consists of different components from various countries. However, to some extent, this cooperation between local businesses and foreign companies has brought about more intense competition around the world.

  Therefore, in my opinion, the merits of international cooperation lie in both environmental protection and business transactions, even though it may face some challenges. The improvement of environment and world economy has been an international focus in recent years. Only by working together internationally can people solve the increasingly serious problems worldwide such as global warming and give a boost to the expansion of world trade.

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