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每周一篇英文日志,坚持一年,你的英语能力将发生质的飞跃! China Classifieds!


   Dear General Manager,

   As a staff of Sales Department, I’m very glad to see the rapid development of our hotel. With the coming of New Year, I am writing to you to pre I think more on the further improvement of our hotel―to establish a website of our own to attract more clients.

  Firstly, with the development of Internet, more and more people are willing to go to the outside world through the information on Internet. Thus if we could establish our own website and introduce ourselves on it, more friends, especially foreign friends, could know our latest promotion at home whenever they want. Secondly, according to the statistics of World Hotel Association, 33% of clients made hotel reservation through the Internet last year. And the proportion will largely increase in year 2000. Thus if we could introduce reservation system on our homepage, clients could contact us and make reservation directly. Finally, hotel promotion on Internet could reduce our operation cost greatly. 

   As someone says that Internet shorten the distance of the world, I believe that the one who could make use of Internet effectively today will be the winner tomorrow. We will get a lot and have a brilliant future.

   Yours sincerely,

   Livia Lim

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