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   青少年犯罪与Drug abuse
  1. 原因:
  (2)家庭原因:Increasing divorce rate, Brought up in a sole-parent family, 缺少父母的关爱,psychological problem, feel disoriented.
  (3)学校原因:schools and society should be responsible在学校学习压力大,就业压力大
  (4)自身原因:不成熟,sequacious,lack of self-control an self-discipline, can not resist the temptation of drugs and fall victims to drug dealers.
  2. 解决方法:
  (1)政府应该strict censorship should be imposed on 媒体中的不健康内容
  (3)政府和学校应该多教育,不能只顾academic performance

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本文标题:2013年雅思考试写作范文:青少年犯罪 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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