

阅读 :

  Apparently, it would seem that tobacco is totally different substance from drugs, and it can be used freedom by public. In fact, however, our authority should make tobacco illegal as well as drugs, and using of tobacco should be controlled strictly.

  Tobacco only can be used for research and medical purpose. As far as I am concerned, as a kind of dope, tobacco has been widely used to help patients alleviate their pain in surgery. At the same time, ordinary people should not be allowed to access it legally for two main reasons.

  Among countless factors which influence my inclination, there is a most conspicuous one: it is harmful that smokers addict to tobacco. Many decades ago, scientists have already found that there is a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, cardiac disease and lung cancer. More seriously, it not only has negative influence for smokers, but others living or working in same surrounding, even the next generation of a smoking pregnant women may be harmed by so-called “second hand smoking”. Research shows that sometimes “second hand smoking” is more dangerous than smoking directly, because, at least smokers can get the protection from filter tips to some extent. Thus, compared to the hazard of drugs, tobacco can involve more other innocent people and harm their health unknowingly.

  The second aspect relates to the problem that our natural resources and money are wasted senselessly during the course of planting, transporting and manufacturing tobacco. In light of a statistics, China consumes nearly 1,000 tons of wood fibers to produce cigarettes annually. Besides, the investment absorbed by tobacco manufacturers every year, is enough to solve all financial troubles that higher education have to face. Obviously, if tobacco is banned by our governments, it means that considerable money will be saved.

  In summary, judging from all the evidence offered, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that tobacco should be forbidden as well as drugs except for a few special purposes, such as research and medicine.

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