

阅读 : 131 次



  Task 1 :

  You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(shown at the picture)

  Topic: Compare the types of communication used in 1962 and in 1982.

  You should write a minimum of 150 words.

  P-phone C-computer L-letter


  Short / Simple Introduction.

  Paragraph talking about one behaviour Pattern.

  Paragraph talking about contradictory behaviour Pattern.

  Concluding Remark.

  Model Answers:

  1、General Overview /Introduction.

  The two pie charts compare different methods of communication used in 1962 and 1982. We can see that for the three mediums surveyed, there are significant changes for each.

  2、Paragraph dealing with information which decreases.

  In 1962, letter writing was the most popular form of communication, accounting for 50% of the total. However, by 1982, this figure fell to just 10%, the smallest of that years figures. In this paragraph, we make it clear, which time period we are writing about. Don't repeat "the year" again and again.

  3、Paragraph dealing with information which increases.

  By contrast, we can see that the use of the phone and computers during this same period have both risen dramatically. The telephone, at 60% becomes the most used form of communication, rising from 35%. Similarily, the use of computers, doubles to 30%. (No need to use 15%. We can understand OK using this type of phrase.)Overall, we can see some important changes in the forms of communication employed during the two decades surveyed.


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