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  A friend of yours is going to your home city for a conference. He will spend a few days there. He has written you a letter, asking for advice about things to see and to do while he is there. Write a letter to him and give him some advice.(日常信)


  Dear Mr. More,

  Thank you for your letter dated August 23, 2006. I was very pleased to learn that you will be visiting Shanghai from September 25 to 30. I hope the following information will help you enjoy your stay in my hometown.


  谢谢你 2006年8月23日的来信。很高兴获悉您将于9月25-30日到访上海,希望以下信息可以助您在我的家乡过得愉快。

  First of all, Shanghai is a big and busy city. There are many internationalquality hotels and restaurants as well as shopping centers and entertainmentplaces.


  However, I think you would like to see some interesting places that well represent the city. I know you are interested in art and history, so firstly, I suggest you visit Shanghai Museum, one of the biggest in China.


  Secondly, not far from the museum is the famous Bund, where you will also have a wonderful view of Pudong: the OrientalPearl TV Tower, and Jinmao Tower―the third highest building in the world! You will see people from all over the world touring around the Bund.


  Other interesting places are Suzhou―a beautiful city that is famous for its gardens; Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, which is very famous for its West Lake. If you would like to see an old-fashioned village with the most distinctivefeatures of the region of waters in the Changjiang River Delta, I will highly recommend Zhouzhuang, which is about a one-hour drive from Shanghai.


  I hope these suggestions will be helpful. As you only have a short stay in Shanghai, you probably will not be able to do much more sightseeing. But if I can help in any other way, please let me know.


  Looking forward to meeting you here in Shanghai!

  Yours sincerely,

  Kenny Gao



  Kenny Gao

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