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  1) 学校充分意识到校服可以在校内建立一种团结感。

  School authorities are fully aware that school uniforms can build a good sense of unity at school.

  2) 孩子普遍容易受到电视电影中不良内容的影响。

  Youngsters are generally vulnerable to the impact depriving from indecent materials in TV programme or films.

  3) 男女同校会大大分散学生学习的注意力。

  Coeducation will distract students’ attention dramatically.

  4) 不懂得金钱价值的孩子最后在赚钱方面会有困难。

  Children who are ignorant of the value of money will eventually have trouble in making money.

  5) 兼职要求学生遵守纪律并相应地分配时间。

  A part-time job demands students to be disciplined and budget their time accordingly.

  6) 孩子应该学会如何对自己的钱负责。乱花钱必然面临严重后果。

  Teenagers are encouraged to arrange their deposits reasonably. Otherwise, spending money foolishly will lead them to severe consequence.

  7) 大学入学的竞争相当激烈。

  Competition for college admission is extremely intensive.

  8) 竞争激烈的运动项目不适合年纪特别小的孩子。

  Highly competitive sports are not suitable for young kids.

  9) 相比公立学校,私立学校能提供更好的师资,更完善的教学设施和更高的教学质量。

  Comparatively, private schools demonstrate particular predomination in supply of better teaching facilities, and higher teaching quality than public ones.


  A person’s growth rests largely with his acquired environment.

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