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  在雅思写作考试中是最忌讳句式的单一的,今天小编给同学们带来的就是关于怎么样写出多样化句式的写作技巧,只有同学们在备考的时候多练习使用,才  能很好的掌握这部分知识呢!





  1.If he had been born in the new society, he would have developed into a great artist。

  2.She was so weak that she couldn't even stand up。

  3.She was frightened when she saw a lion staring at her。

  4.As she was not satisfied with this, she tried to think of a better solution。


  1.Born in the new society, he would have developed into a great artist。

  2.She was too weak to stand up。

  3.She was frightened at the sight of a lion staring at her。

  4.Not satisfied with this, she tried to think of a better solution。



  1.Under no circumstances should we do anything that will benefit ourselves but at the same time harm the interests of others。

  2.In her he has absolute faith。

  3.By no means should we look down upon people who have less education than we do。



  I like reading novels. They often tell me interesting and moving stories. Some stories are also instructive. They describe good and evil people. They describe the bright side and the dark side of life. They help me distinguish between right and wrong. In this way they have helped me understand people and life. As a result, I seem to have become wiser。


  I like reading novels because they tell interesting and moving stories. Moreover, some stories are instructive. By describing good and evil people,and the bright side and the dark side of life, such stories help me to distinguish between right and wrong, and understand people and life. Reading them has perhaps made me wiser。




  表示增补的连接词:and, as well as, besides, furthermore, moreover, not only...but also等;

  表示转折的连接词:however, in spite, though, but, otherwise, whereas, nonetheless等;

  表示原因的连接词:since, as, so, because, why等;

  表示时间的连接词:before, after, since, as, until, meanwhile, when, whenever, as soon as等。

  同时还可使用一些表示从属关系的连接词,如who,,what, that, which等。例如:

  He was born in a small village. His father was a teacher in the village school. His mother did the housework. He began to go to his father's school at seven. He graduated from it six years later. He went to the junior middle school in a nearby town. He studied at a senior middle school in the county. He was a good student there。

  尽管这段话中所有的句子都是正确的,但是句型单一,而且在八个句子中只有"His father"和"His mother"两个不同的主语,其他句子都是以"He"开头的。下面是修改后的段落:

  He was born in a small village. His father taught at the village school and his mother did the housework. He began to study at his father's school at seven and six years later entered the junior middle school in a nearby town. After graduating from it he was admitted to a senior middle school in the county, where he proved to be a good student。

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本文标题:2016年雅思写作考试技巧:多样句式的写法 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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