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  .they will not ,he believes, get the health benefits(such as losing weight) without putting sufficient time into their exercise.

  .redraw the line between what is private and public

  .the sars outbreak deprived a of the chance to display her talent.

  .but,on second thought, i see that

  .give more weight to

  .his "sleepless in the dorm" problem is hardly unique.

  .an pm light-out rule 点熄灯

  .judge me on the basis of result, and not on style.

  .you must calculate all the advantages and disadvantage before coming to a discussion.

  .convenience store 便利店

  .guarantee financial security

  .win a place as 占有一席之地

  .the world beyond the school walls.

  .market segment 市场份额

  .the price of sugar soars.

  .with continued growth it will surpass japan by .

  .the long-term trends lend support to the optimistic view.

  .on the cover of magazine

  .that is my priority.

  .we must be more selective in what we choose.

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