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  * 第一段


  * 赞扬的口吻

  例如:wearing uniforms has become an effective way to solve school problems


  * Thanks to /At the mercy of the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology, there are rapid changes in all aspects of our everyday lives.

  * With the (rapid, marked, amazing, eye-catching, remarkable, fantastic) development/ progress/ growth/ advance/ improvement of economy/ society/ industry/ living standard, …

  * While the rhythm/ pace/ tempo of people’s living is speeding up, …

  * As living tempo/ pace quickens, …

  * Nowadays/in this day and age/, ____ play/fill a vital/ leading/ educational/ indispensable/ supervisory + role/ part in …

  * Nowadays/in this day and age/, _____ produce/exert/ positive/active/profound/far-reaching + effects/impacts/influences on ____

  * 或者从所背的表‘正面“的词组中选择

  * 批评的口吻

  例如: it is reported uniforms has made school life dull and monotonous


  * Nowadays/in this day and age/, _____ produce/exert/ negative/adverse/baneful + effects/impacts/influences on ____

  * 或者从所背的表‘负面“的词组中选择

  * 中立的口吻

  例如:it is common that student attend to school in uniforms


  * it is quite common/ it is not uncommon that

  * it is a striking fact that

  * there is growing tendency for sb to do sth

  * it is widely noted that

  * it is well aware that

  * it is a well-established fact that

  第二句:提出疑问: However/nevertheless/nonetheless/whereas 或者

  therefore /consequently/accordingly

  * 如果题目中给出一方观点,用whether 引出,例如:whether smoking should be banned totally


  * 如果题目中给出的事两方观点,用特殊疑问句的陈述语序完成,例如(which factor can determine a nation’s success)


  * Has become a hot topic/has been drown to public’s attention/has become the focus of public concern/has become the limelight of our day-to-day life


  * I still adhere to/stick to/cling to/nurture/commit to (坚持) the opinion/belief/notion(观点)_____

  * My firmly/staunchly(坚定) held the opinion/belief/notion(观点) is______

  * 第二段 :对方观点

  o Is has been said rightly(适度地)_____

  o It has been admitted(承认) to a certain extent(在一定程度上)_______

  o There, for certain, are some risks(风险)/benefits(好处) from sth/doing sth

  o It is conceivable (可想而知)_______

  o It is quite easy to find the reason to attack…./ to exalt/glorify/praise that

  o Those who have already benefited from practicing___ sing high praise of it

  * 第三段 :自己观点1

  However/nevertheless/nonetheless(但是)/notwithstanding 尽管如此/in spite of these

  * The research, relating to (和… 相关= about, concerning) has highlighted that ______(和…..相关的调查强调….)

  * It is hazardous(危险的)/ridiculous/ludicrous(可笑的) to lose sight of/be blind to (忽略)(如果忽略。。。 是很危险/可笑的)

  * It has been proved that ______(事实已经证明了。。。)

  * There still exist some risks(风险)/hazards/dangers(危险)或benefits(好处) in doing sth(在做。。。上还是也些好处或风险的)

  * 第四段 :自己观点2

  Rather/in addition/additionally/also/still(此外)

  * It is improper/ inappropriate(不合适的)/erroneous(错误的) if we regard/consider/take/treat(认为) it flawless/faultless/blameless/perfect(无可挑剔的)或 incurable(无可就药的)/intolerable(无法忍受的)

  * It turns out to be a short-sighted(目光短浅的)/mischievous(有害的)或wise/sagacious(明智的) policy

  * It is no exaggeration (夸张) to say that___(说什么也不夸张)

  * 第五段:结尾(重复观点+精彩论据的重复)

  In conclusion/ultimately/in the final analysis (总而言之),

  * It is no hard job/task/feat to arrive at the conclusion/reach the overwhelming consensus(达成一致)________

  * All the analyses justify(使…合理) a sound (站得住脚的)conclusion that

  * The evidence upon all points to (以上的证据都指向...)

  * All the evidence justifies an unshakable view that …

  * All the evidence supports an unmistakable conclusion that …

  二、 1:1 折中(中间一方观点一段,另一方的观点一段)共四段

  * 第一段


  * 赞扬的口吻

  例如:wearing uniforms has become an effective way to solve school problems


  * Thanks to /At the mercy of the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology, there are rapid changes in all aspects of our everyday lives.

  * With the (rapid, marked, amazing, eye-catching, remarkable, fantastic) development/ progress/ growth/ advance/ improvement of economy/ society/ industry/ living standard,

  * While the rhythm/ pace/ tempo of people’s living is speeding up,

  * As living tempo/ pace quickens, …

  * Nowadays/in this day and age/, ____ play/fill a vital/ leading/ educational/ indispensable/ supervisory + role/ part in …

  * Nowadays/in this day and age/, _____ produce/exert/ positive/active/profound/far-reaching + effects/impacts/influences on ____

  * 或者从所背的表‘正面“的词组中选择

  * 批评的口吻

  例如: it is reported uniforms has made school life dull and monotonous


  * Nowadays/in this day and age/, _____ produce/exert/ negative/adverse/baneful + effects/impacts/influences on ____

  * 或者从所背的表‘负面“的词组中选择

  * 中立的口吻

  例如:it is common that student attend to school in uniforms


  * it is quite common/ it is not uncommon that

  * it is a striking fact that

  * there is growing tendency for sb to do sth

  * it is widely noted that

  * it is well aware that

  * it is a well-established fact that

  第二句:提出疑问: However/nevertheless/nonetheless/whereas 或者


  * 如果题目中给出一方观点,用whether 引出,例如:whether smoking should be banned totally


  * 如果题目中给出的事两方观点,用特殊疑问句的陈述语序完成,例如(which factor can determine a nation’s success)


  * Has become a hot topic/has been drown to public’s attention/has become the focus of public concern/has become the limelight of our day-to-day life


  * Some people say/believe/deem/reckon(认为)______

  * It is believed/held/considered/deemed/reckoned(认为)reasonably (合理地)/understandably(可以理解) that ____________(有人这么认为也是合理/可以理解的)


  * Others/some argue/claim/maintain/challenge(挑战)/take it for granted(把…当成想当然)______


  Personally/personally speaking/as I see it/from my perspective

  * The two factors/elements/considerations(因素) are intrinsically/basically(本质上) interdependent(相互依赖的) and indispensable(缺一不可的)

  * The two sides are supported by well-grounded reasons

  * There is an element of truth in the both sides

  * 第二段 :一方观点(好)

  On the one hand,

  * ___ play/fill(发挥) vital/crucial(重要的)/leading(首屈一指)/significant(意义重大的) role/part(作用) in ___( 。。。在… 方面发挥了重要的/首屈一指/意义重大的作用)

  * ___ have/exert/produce/impose(发挥) profound/far-reaching effects/influences/impacts on___(。。。在…方面产生了深远的影响

  * 第三段 :另一方观点(好)

  On the other hand,

  * ___ has been proved to be the most determinant(决定性的) factor (…已经证明是个决定性的因素)

  * Much adequacy can be found in ….(在….方面也可以找到合理性)

  * 第四段:结尾(重复观点+精彩论据的重复)

  o On balance, _____ and ____ do play/fill equally important role in ____ (从平衡角度来看,__ and ___ 的确发挥了同样重要的作用)


  * 第一段与第五段与1:2完全相同

  * 第二段 :自己观点1

  o The foremost reason rest on/relies on(在于) the fact that (最重要的原因就在于这个事实)

  * 第三段 :自己观点2 o Another subtle explanation is ____(另一个不明显的理由是)

  * 第四段:自己观点3

  o The last convincing reason I would like to mention is____(我想提及的最后一个有说服力的理由是____)

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