
雅思写作常见问题汇总 打破思维定势

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3.Q: 学生问,I am confused about the question "Do the advantages outweigh

4.Q: Firstly, Secondly, Finally这样的单词用多了好吗?


6.Q:平时练习写作可以参考的TOPIC LIST有吗?

7.Q: Is there any specific study order that you recommend?





A:Here are the four types of question:

1. Opinion

2. Discussion + opinion

3. Problem + solution

4. 2-part question


1. An 'opinion' question asks for your view, not the views of other people, and you don't have to give both sides of the argument. Just make your opinion clear in the introduction, then explain it in the rest of the essay.


2. A 'discussion' question requires you to write about both sides of the argument, and you should write a similar amount for each view. If the question also asks for your opinion, you don't need an extra paragraph. Just make it clear in the introduction and conclusion which of the two views you agree with.


3. Type 3 is easy. Simply write a paragraph explaining the problem(s) and a paragraph explaining the solution(s). Some questions ask about 'causes' or 'effects': these would be part of the 'problem' paragraph.


4. For type 4, just answer the two questions. Write one paragraph about each.

2-part question类,只需主体段每段各回答一个问题即可。



1. I read the question very carefully, maybe three times. I ask myself "What's the topic? What is the question asking me to write about?"(我会非常仔细地读问题,读上三遍,并自问“topic是什么,这个问题让我写什么内容?”)

2. I underline the key things that must be included in the essay. I always answer every part of the question.(我会画出重点部分,不会忽视任何一部分的问题)

3. Now I think about my 4 paragraph structure. I can write any type of essay in 4 paragraphs; I just need to decide what to put in each paragraph.(现在我思考我的4段式结构——此结构适用于任何类型的大作文,我只需考虑每段放哪些内容即可)

4. If I need to give my opinion, I think "What is the easiest opinion to explain? What good vocabulary could I use?"(如果我需要给出自己的意见,我会想“什么样的意见是最好解释的?我能用哪些高级词汇?”)

5. Then I write down some vocabulary ideas that are related to the topic.(然后我写下一些和topic相关的词汇)

6. I try to write 2 sentences for the introduction: I introduce the topic, then give a simple answer (including my opinion if the question asks for it).(我试着为Introduction段写两句话,引进主题,给出答案,如需要会给出自己的意见)

7. I write short 'topic sentences' to start each paragraph, then develop my ideas by explaining and supporting with examples.(我写主题句引出每个段落,然后通过解释和举例来延伸观点)

8. I look at the question from time to time in order to check that I'm answering every part of it.(我不时看一遍问题为了确保回答了每一个部分)

9. I know that I write about 10 words per line; I can quickly check the approximate number of words that I've written.(我知道我每句写10个单词,我能快速计算出我大概写的字数)

10. If I need more words (to reach 250), I expand one of my examples in the main body paragraphs. If necessary, I draw an arrow to show where I want to add the extra words.(如果我需要写到250字,我会扩展主体段中的例子。如有必须,我画个箭头标记我想插入内容的位置)

3.Q: 学生问,I am confused about the question "Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?". Is this an opinion question or discussion + opinion question?


Strictly speaking, "Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?" is asking for your opinion (do you think there are more advantages or disadvantages?). Technically, you could give a one-sided "opinion" answer e.g. you could argue that there are many advantages and almost no disadvantages.

However, I think the examiner would expect and prefer to see a balanced discussion of both sides as well as your opinion. Therefore, I think it's best (and easiest) to write a discussion + opinion essay.

4.Q: Firstly, Secondly, Finally这样的单词用多了好吗?

A:Simon是这样回答的,It's best not to use "Firstly, Secondly, Finally" twice in one essay. If we wanted to write a second main paragraph with three ideas, what could we used instead of "Firstly, Secondly, Finally" to organise them?


Three main factors are affecting health in modern societies. One problem is the lack of awareness among many people of the negative consequences of an unhealthy diet. This is made worse by the prevalence of fast food and processed food, which are full of fat, salt and sugar. Another key factor is the changing trend in lifestyles. For example, children’s hobbies now involve much less outdoor activity, and adults are less active as jobs have shifted towards sedentary office work instead of manual labour. In addition to this, time-saving technologies, such as cars, elevators, dishwashers and washing machines, have made people lazier.

Simon写得这段完全没有用到Firstly,Secondly,Finally,但是整个叙事逻辑有序,原因就是他第一句就表明有three main factors。介绍这三个因素的时候依次用one problem is…another key fator is…in addition to this…来表达,连贯清晰,大家可以充分借鉴,避免过多重复。


A: You have 40 minutes for writing task 2, and I suggest that you:

· Spend the first 10 minutes planning your essay structure and brainstorming ideas for the two main body paragraphs.

· Spend 5 minutes writing your 2-sentence introduction.

· Spend 20 minutes on the main body (10 minutes for each paragraph).

· Spend the last 5 minutes writing your conclusion and checking everything.

6.Q:平时练习写作可以参考的TOPIC LIST有吗?


1. Advertising

2. Animal Rights: testing on animals, vegetarianism, zoos

3. Cities: urbanisation, problems of city life

4. Crime: police, punishments/prisons, rehabilitation, capital punishment

5. Education: studying abroad, technology in education, education in developing countries, higher education, home-schooling, bad behaviour, corporal punishment, single sex education, streaming (grouping children according to ability)

6. Environment: global warming, impact of humans on the environment, solutions to environment problems, waste/rubbish, litter, recycling, nuclear power

7. Family: family size, working parents, negative effects on children, divorce, care for old people

8. Gender: gender and education, gender and work, women’s and men’s role in the family

9. Genetic Engineering: positives, negatives, genetically modified foods

10. Global Issues: problems in developing countries, how to help developing countries, immigration, multi-cultural societies, globalisation

11. Government and Society: what governments can do, public services, censorship, video cameras in public places

12. Guns and Weapons: gun ownership and possession, police and guns, nuclear weapons, armed forces

13. Health: diet, exercise, state health systems, private healthcare, alternative medicine, stress

14. Housing and Architecture: state housing, old buildings, modern/green buildings

15. International Language: English as an international language

16. Money: money and society, consumerism

17. Personal Development: happiness, success, nature or nurture

18. Sport and Leisure: professional/competitive sport, sport salaries, sport and politics

19. Tourism: positives, negative effects on environment, future of tourism

20. Traditions and Modern Life: losing traditional skills, traditional customs

21. Transport: traffic problems and solutions, public transport, road safety

22. Television, Internet and Mobile Phones: positives and negatives, Internet compared to newspapers and books

23. Water: importance of clean water, water supply, water should be free, bottled water

24. Work: same job for life, self-employment, unemployment, work/life balance, technology and work, child labour

7.Q: Is there any specific study order that you recommend?

A: 1. Essay structure and paragraphs

The first thing to do is find an essay structure that works for you. You probably know that I prefer to write 4 paragraphs, and maybe you've seen how I write 2-sentence introductions, 5-sentence main paragraphs and 1-sentence conclusions. Try this: take some essays that you have already written, and rewrite them so that they all have the same number of paragraphs and sentences.


2. Question types

You need to see examples of the four question types, and make sure you know how to answer each type using your preferred essay structure.


3. Planning, and isolated paragraph practice

Take several different questions, and practise planning ideas. Then spend some time focusing only on introductions e.g. write an introduction for five different questions. Then do the same with conclusions. Then try writing different types of main paragraph e.g. an 'advantages' paragraph, an 'opinion' paragraph, a 'problem' paragraph etc.

选一些题目,练习planning ideas.比如可以写五篇不同题目的introduction,或者写不同类型题目的主体段落。

4. Topic ideas

When you are confident that you know how to write an essay, it's time to start working through as many common IELTS writing topics as possible. Even if you don't write a full essay for each topic, you should at least plan some ideas and opinions.


5. Mistakes, corrections and improvements

Try to find someone who can check your writing, highlight and explain your mistakes, and show you how to improve your essays.



A: Try this exercise using my essay :

1. Read the essay and make sure you understand it.

2. Read it again slowly, and make notes on a separate piece of paper. Just write the main idea or key words from each sentence (there are only 13 sentences in the whole essay).

3. Hide my essay, and try to rewrite it using only your notes. Don't try to memorise the essay exactly as I wrote it; the aim is to see if you can write a similar essay using the same key ideas.

4. Compare your essay with mine. Did you write the same number of sentences? Did you include the same key vocabulary? Did you use the vocabulary correctly? Does your essay 'flow' as well as mine does?

You can learn a lot by doing this exercise.


A:When writing a conclusion for task 2, I always start with the words "In conclusion". There's no reason why you should learn any alternatives.

Here are some phrases that I would not use:

1. All things considered

2. To sum up

3. In summary

4. To summarize

5. In short

6. In a nutshell

7. To put it in a nutshell


Phrases 1 to 5 are acceptable, but I still wouldn't use them myself.

Don't use any phrase containing the word "nutshell". 6 and 7 are not appropriate for an academic essay.


A: Here's a simplified version of the marking system for IELTS writing:


I tell my students that the fastest way to improve their scores is by focusing on 'task response' and 'lexical resource'. You do this by explaining your ideas / views in more detail.


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