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3月12日的雅思考试写作大作文考的是关于“动物”类话题,动物类话题近年来出现的平率大概约为1次不到,考点及分布如下:1. 动物实验,共2次。包括:(1)使用动物作为药物试验的对象是对还是错;(2)使用动物进行药物试验是残忍和不必要的还是为了人类的利益是正义的。2. 动物保护和利用,共3次。包括:(1)野生动物是否过度保护;(2)我们是否应该保护即将灭绝的生物还是专注于解决人类自身的问题。(3)人类是否应该使用动物作为食物和衣服。小站雅思频道这里跟大家分享本次大作文的一篇参考范文,希望对大家有帮助!



In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and in other products like clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

Recent decades have witnessed a growth in the number of animal-right activists who strongly object to the consumption of animals as sources of food and other products. I would argue that it is reasonable to some extent.

Technology advancing enables people to create more substitutes for animal products, which reduces the necessity of using animals either as food or other usage. For instance, a wide range of dietary supplements can almost replace the nutrition provided by animals. These supplements do not only meet people’s requirements of improving health but also produce convenient tablets which are easy to carry.Additionally, some artificial products in terms of clothes are proved to be much better in keeping warm and less priced. If man-made materials can well replace the animal-related products, it is better to choose the former rather than the later in the consideration of animal protection.

However, some animals are considered as precious medicines which scientists have not yet found any alternatives. From this perspective, it is still too early to give up on the consumption of animals. Meanwhile, some species of animals reproduce very quickly and may become overpopulated without proper control. If they can be properly exploited for human benefits, there are apparently more advantages than disadvantages.

To summarize, humans still have a high demand on animal products in some particular aspects, which suggests banning the usage of these products is not a conclusion to draw yet. Nevertheless, I am firmly convinced that everybody should be encouraged to try not to consume animals when necessary and technology development will make the given statement come true someday.


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Some people think that too much attention and too many resources have been given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think that it is acceptable to use animals in medical research for the benefit of human beings, while other people argue that it is wrong. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


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