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雅思写作很多同学还是停留在机械列举的程度。其实雅思作文的评分标准体现出了西方写作的一种核心思维:critical thinking(批判性思维)。本文以电脑让人与人之间的交流到底变多了还是变少了为例,来给大家展示如何使用critical thinking, 让你的雅思写作突破7分。


Nowadays people can use computers to talk, learn and communicate without leaving ­­­home. There is a danger that it will cause more isolation and a lack of communication among people. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Sample answer:

Invented some 60 years ago, computers have already transformed the way most of us live. The advent of the Internet opens up the possibility of communicating and interacting via the computer. With more time spent on computers and less with each others, people start to fear the dehumanizing effect of this wonderful human contrivance. This inordinate concern is quite groundless.


One doesn’t necessarily become isolated if he spends most of his time alone using a computer. Isolation only occurs when one is obsessed by his own affair and cares nothing about anything else. Indeed, many feel isolated and lonely in the midst of crowds or even while talking to others because they are trapped in their own world or because others are in theirs. Alienation of people is not caused by how little they talk or meet each other but by the lack of interest in our fellow creatures and the world at large. Hence, computers actually help to prevent isolation by bringing every possible field of interest onto the screen. Everything is at the touch of a fingertip. You can broaden your interests and enrich your life by accessing whatever and whoever you are interested in.


As far as communication is concerned, the using of computers is by no means detrimental. In primeval times our ancestors communicate by a simple system of shouts and gestures. Then spoken and written languages developed. We now prefer emails to ordinary letters. Our mode of communication is forever changing. Why should computers be singled out as particularly deleterious? What matters is not whether or not we communicate in the orthodox or traditional ways but the very fact that we do communicate. Indeed, computer technology facilitates the exchange of ideas and information. The Internet keeps us linked to each other all the time. Apart from the usual emails, chat rooms and forums, tele-conferencing is being employed daily to enhance communication. Communication is made easy by technology, which promises infinite possibilities ahead.


Thus, communication and isolation must not be defined in a narrow sense. Problems arise not from technological development but from people themselves. Computer is but a tool, the misuse of which it is not responsible for.



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本文标题:雅思写作高分范文赏析:科技让我们近了,还是远了? - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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