Shenzhen English Corner


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19,There are plenty of universities in China , most of that are not good enough.

正确形式:There are plenty of universities in China , most of which are not good enough. There are plenty of universities in China and most of that are not good enough. / There are plenty of universities in China; most of that are not good enough. /There are plenty of universities in China .Most of which are not good enough.

错误解析: 逗号不能连接2个完整的句子。所以需要将其中一个句子变成从句,或者使用分号或者句号来代替逗号。

20,cry , you cry.

正确形式:I cry; you cry. / I cry and you cry. / I cry. You cry.

21, We all tried our best,however, we lost the game.

正确形式:We all tried our best. However, we lost the game./ We all tried our best; however, we lost the game.

错误解析:即使是however,也不能连接前后都是完整的句子,因为however是副词,只有and 和but 这2个连接词才可以连接2个完整的句子。

22, China has achieved great prosperity ,however ,its culture suffered a lot.

正确形式:China has achieved great prosperity .However ,its culture suffered a lot./China has achieved great prosperity; however,its culture suffered a lot.

错误解析:注意这点和单独的however, 将一个句子的主语和谓语动词隔开的句子有本质的区别。比如:students, however, always expect their high praise from parents and teachers. 该句中是一个句子,所以可以用however 将主语和谓语分开。

23,They always feel boring about visiting some places where they are no fresh and no extremely attractive talking points, therefore, local museums and historical sites cannot be drawn into much discussion as they are without cartoons, movie stars and sports.

正确形式:They always feel boring about visiting some places where they are no fresh and no extremely attractive talking points.Therefore, local museums and historical sites cannot be drawn into much discussion as they are without cartoons, movie stars and sports.

错误解析: 注意 therefore, on the other hand, on the contrary 这些类似的词组或者副词都是副词成分,并不能连接前后都是完整的句子。所以需要修改为:将逗号改为句号或者分号。

24, Student s are always tired of sitting in the classroom for a whole morning, thus show their resentment with the current teaching method.

正确形式:Student s are always tired of sitting in the classroom for a whole morning, and thus show their resentment with the current teaching method.

错误解析:thus 照样是插入语,是副词成分,不是连接词,所以不能连接前后都是完整的句子。


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