
雅思写作教育类高分范文 | 父母就否应该给小孩讲故事

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Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children, while others think parents need not do that, as children can read books, watch TVs or movies by themselves. Discuss both views and give your opinion.有人认为父母应该给小孩讲故事,然而其他人认为父母不需要这么做,因为小孩可以通过自己读书,看电视或者电影来了解。请讨论双方的观点并给出你自己的看法。

Parenting is always a heated topic in our society. What is the best way for children to read and learn? Some people insist on the more traditional method by reading or telling stories to children rather than letting children learn by themselves through books, TV and the Internet. As far as I am concerned, two complementary methods are necessary to be applied to motivate children to read and learn.

It is evident that reading or telling stories to their children is not only a way of learning but also a good approach to strengthen the tie between parents and children. It brings much more happiness to families and makes family bond closer. Furthermore, reading or telling stories to their children is not only a way of learning but also a good approach to strengthen the tie between parents and children. It brings much more happiness to families and makes family bond closer. Further more, reading or telling stories to children is a more entertaining method though which children get more enjoyment and a method children perhaps prefer. Consequently, children's interest in reading and learning would easily be motivated. Many of us could remember the lovely moment when we were looking forward to listening for stories before we went to bed.

However, independent learning is a vital capacity for "old" children and young adults. Therefore parents should encourage their children to read and learn by themselves, searching information through various sources such as books, internet as well as TV. For children would be growing up and be independent to face the complicated society one day. This ability would help them much no matter what they do in the future.

To sum up, each method discussed above has its merit to be considered as a proper way which parents employ to foster their children a good reading and learning habit and ability.


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