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8月27日雅思写作考试真题:Some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open areas in towns and cities than provides more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



When it comes to the issue about how towns and cities could utilize their open areas, some people may argue that planting more trees seems more crucial than constructing more houses, but I cannot agree with this opinion.

Admittedly, having more trees may contribute to protecting our environment. Currently, vehicles may produce a lot of toxic gases, posing a threat to the environment, especially the environment in downtown. Then, if there exist more trees in a city or a town, those plants could filter some gases, such as carbon dioxide that may aggravate global warming. Nevertheless, offering residents more dwelling places may be one of the top priorities for the authorities.

Initially, a larger number of houses in cities could alleviate dweller’s economic burdens. It is common that the price of real estate in some cities could be so high that normal citizens cannot afford it. If governments could supply more houses, then, the price of housing may be lowered correspondingly since the supply of housing may exceed its demand. Then, more individuals are potent to own a house in cities, but not live in a temporary one anymore.

Furthermore, building more houses in towns and counties could also serve to boost local economy. When governments decide to construct more buildings in towns, it may lead to a better economic outlook. For example, if there were more houses available for either living or commercial purpose in a town, more investors would find its potential and naturally more funding would also be allocated to that town. Then, local economy could be improved a lot with both financial support from governments and private investment from merchants.

In sum, considering that a larger quantity of houses could reduce economic burdens of citizens and function as a catalyst for rural development simultaneously, building more houses deserves more attention and budgets from the government.

(308 words)

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