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Task:In some countries, secondary school aims to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. Which do you think is appropriate in today’s world?

Sample answer:

What range of subjects the high school offers can have a stark and profound influence on students’ future development. I, to be honest, hold the view that the general education with a wide range of subjects is beneficial to students themselves in the long run.

If students have access to more courses, they are likely to have more opportunities to choose the subject they prefer or are better at. In this way, the students can learn with more enthusiasm and passionate and will feel less bored with their classes. With more motivation derived from their inner hearts, students can give full play to their potentials and achieve better academic performance.

Besides, the more diverse subject system can also cultivate more well-rounded students. The knowledge base of different subjects is distinct from each other, which can help to foster the students in certain perspective. Mathematics and physics are helpful to students’ logic and abstract thinking; some humanity subjects such as literature and aesthetics can enhance students’ capabilities of appreciation and judgment. There is no doubt that students will become more versatile if they have grasped knowledge of different subjects.

It is also true that focusing on the narrower range of subjects can bring some benefits to some extent. Students can concentrate more on limited subjects and are more likely to become the specialist in certain fields. Youyou TU, the Nobel Prize winner in medicine, receives specialized education in TCM and chemistry and devotes all her life to the research of the anti-malaria medicines, making her become a world-renowned scientist.

To sum up, a general education with wilder range of subjects should be accessible to students because of its benefits to a sounder development of students.

(284 words)


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