
考官雅思写作小作文满分范文 柱状图:日常消费

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The bar chart below shows money spent on consumer goods in different countries.

汇总传送门:41篇考官亲笔a类雅思小作文集结 9分盛宴


The bar chart compares consumer spending on six different items in Germany, Italy, France and Britain.

It is clear that British people spent significantly more money than people in the other three countries on all six goods. Of the six items, consumers spent the most money on photographic film.

People in Britain spent just over £170,000 on photographic film, which is the highest figure shown on the chart. By contrast, Germans were the lowest overall spenders, with roughly the same figures (just under £150,000) for each of the six products.

The figures for spending on toys were the same in both France and Italy, at nearly £160,000. However, while French people spent more than Italians on photographic film and CDs, Italians paid out more for personal stereos, tennis racquets and perfumes. The amount spent by French people on tennis racquets, around £145,000, is the lowest figure shown on the chart.(150)

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本文标题:考官雅思写作小作文满分范文 柱状图:日常消费 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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