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Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people. Others think that the purpose of museums is to educate, not to entertain. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 有人认为,博物馆应该是快乐的地方,以吸引和娱乐年轻人,有人认为,博物馆的目的是教育,而非娱乐,讨论,亮明你的立场。




① 个性开篇(博物馆是历史、艺术和文化展品得以展出的地方,因此会吸引很多年轻人)+ ② 争议焦点(人们一直在争议和思考博物馆到底应该满足何种目的)+ ③ 作家立场(博物馆的功能最后是同时满足教育和娱乐的功能,以娱乐的方式达到教育的目的)

【二段】 支持博物馆的教育功能:

① 对于参观者而言,欣赏艺术品不但可以拓宽他们的知识面,而且可以开拓他们的视野。

② 对于年轻人而言,参观历史博物馆不仅可以激发他们的爱国情绪,而且可以鼓励他们奋发图强。

③ 对于参观者而言,博物馆之行可令他们学习前人的经验,反思过去,避免犯相似的错误。


① 不能忽视的是,参观者多为年轻人,具有娱乐功能的博物馆才更能吸引他们,因为年轻人打发空闲时间更多是为是享乐而非接受教育。

② 如果博物馆有了幽默的娱乐的元素,例如,设立电影院,就更具热门旅游景区的特征,这可创造更多的经济价值及提高博物馆的美誉度。




【首段】 背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

Museums are buildings in which artistic, cultural, historical objects are displayed and stored. People are attracted to the museums for various reasons ranging from historical interest to killing time. People differ greatly as to which should be the chief function of museums, to educate the visitors or to simply serve the function of entertainment. Personally speaking, both sides make sense to some extent.


1. Museums are buildings in which objects of cultural, historical or scientific importance are displayed. 具有文化,历史,科技重要性的展品被展出的地方,我们称其为博物馆。

2. Both sides make sense to some extent. 双方观点在某种程度上都有道理。

【二段】 谈及博物馆的教育功能:

Indeed, appreciating museums should be a good way to instruct and enlighten the visitors. First, a museum of natural history or an anthropological museum could not only enlarge one’s scope of knowledge but also broaden one’s view of life. Further, some museums could enact the role of educators because they vividly display the mystery of historical events via the storage of historic legacies. To illustrate,a visit to military museums about Chinese Opium War will educate the younger generation to be more patriotic and inspire them to be more diligent. Meanwhile, visitors can reflect on the past and thus learn from historical lessons so that one can avoid committing the similar mistakes.


1. instruct and enlighten the visitors v教育和启迪参观者

2. educate the younger generation to be more patriotic and inspire them to be more diligent v教育年轻一代更加爱国及发奋图强

3. vividly display the mystery of historical events v生动地再现了历史事件的神秘

4. reflect on the past v 反思过去

5. commit similar mistakes v 犯相似的错误


Nonetheless, I still remain suspicious of the sole educational function of the museums. Virtually, it is still advisable for museums to entertain the visitors. First, as for those young visitors, the aim of their pastime is mainly for enjoyment not for getting educated, a museum will be less attractive if it lacks some humorous or relaxing elements. Also, a museum is, to some extent, a tourist attraction, hence, entertaining elements could help it generate immense economic value and enhance its reputation. To open a theater in the museum might be a commendable suggestion.


1. I still remain suspicious of …… v我依然对于……表示怀疑

2. The aim of their pastime is mainly for enjoyment not for getting educated 他们消遣的目的是娱乐,而非接受教育

3. entertaining elements could help it generate immense economic value v娱乐性元素可创造巨大的经济价值

【尾段】 总结立场

In closing, it is my stand that both entertainment and education are indispensable to modern museums, and they are not mutually exclusive and should complement each other. Actually, the most attractive museum is where we can acquire valuable knowledge and enjoy ourselves is the best choice.


1. They are not mutually exclusive and should complement each other. 教育的功能和娱乐的功能不是互相排斥,而应该是互补的。

2. The most attractive museum is where we can acquire valuable knowledge and enjoy ourselves is the best choice. 即能接受教育,还能带来愉悦的博物馆才是最能吸引我们的地方。


1. the function of museums n博物馆的功能

2. the role of museums n博物馆的作用

3. military museum n 军事博物馆

4. The Chinese Opium War n鸦片战争

5. a museum of natural history n自然历史博物馆

6. an anthropological museum n人类学博物馆

7. are frequently-visit places for modern people 人们常去的地方

8. be attracted to sp v被……吸引

9. appreciate = visit = pay a visit to v参观

10. play the role of educator v 扮演教育者的角色

11. valuable historical legacies are stored and displayed v宝贵的历史遗产得以存储和展示

12. enlighten one’s wisdom v 启迪智慧

13. enlarge one’s scope of knowledge v 拓宽知识

14. broaden one’s view of life v 开拓视野

15. reflect on the past v反思过去

16. deepen one’s insight into the history v加深对于历史的洞察

17. make reasonable judgment upon …… 对于…… 做出理性判断

18. serve the purpose of entertainment v起到娱乐的作用

19. serve the function of enjoyment v起到娱乐的作用

20. are full of amusing elements v充满了娱乐元素

21. add color to one’s dull routine of everyday life = add spice to one’s mediocre life v增加平凡生活的乐趣

【拓展】 be besieged with v充斥……(贬义表达)helps visitors to relax their bodies and ease their minds v 帮助游客放松身心

22. feast one’s eyes on sth v尽情欣赏……

23. arouse one’s patriotic emotion v激发爱国热情

24. deepen one’s love of his motherland v加深对于祖国的热爱

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