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Some people believe that students should study in groups. Others think that they should study alone. What are the benefits of studying in groups and studying alone? Which way is more effective? 有人认为学生们应该小组学习,有人认为学生们应该自己学习,小组学习和自己学习利好各在哪里,你认为何种方式有效?



1. 小组讨论,集思广益,例证展开:小组讨论数学题的解题思路,小组讨论作文的头脑风暴。

2. 有良好的学习氛围,可以帮助缺乏自律性的孩子们专注于学习,提高学习效率。

3. 有效的方式结实新朋友,锻炼人的口才,交流能力以及团队精神。


1. 培养了自己的独立思考以及解决问题的能力,学习上不会对他人产生过度的依赖。

2. 小组学习更加容易培养人的分析性思维,理性思维和辩证思维的能力。





1. group study 小组学习

2. to study with a group of fellow classmates 和同龄人一起学习

拓展:a group of fellow classmates = peers 同龄人

3. focus on self-improvement 专注于自我提高

4. zero in on academic study = concentrate on learning专注学习 (写作亮点)

5. a great many self-leaner 很多的自学者

6. achieve academic success 取得学习的成功

7. enhance the efficiency of learning 提高学习效率

8. face-to-face communication could …… 面对面交流可以 ……

9. positive interaction with …… 和…… 积极的互动

10. competitive atmosphere竞争的气氛

11. Compared with the independent self-learners, those who are accustomed to group learning, in some cases, might become overly dependent on other assistance. 习惯于自己学习者,可能对于他人的帮助过度依赖

12. ……could cultivate one’s teamwork spirit and awareness of cooperation 培养团队精神和合作意识

点评: 体育课的利好

13. Competitive atmosphere and pressure from the peers could help those who lack self-discipline to zero in on study 竞争的氛围和来自同龄人的压力可以帮助哪些缺乏自律性的人专注于学习


14. Studying with a group of peers has an indispensable role play in fostering one’s cooperation awareness and self-sacrifice spirit. 小组学习培养人的合作意识以及自我牺牲精神。


15. Those who are in the habit of studying by themselves are more likely to become isolated and even lose interest in study. 自我学习者容易变得孤独或者失去学习的兴趣。


16. In comparison with studying alone, group study could, to large extent, be extremely time-saving because one can exchange and share views with fellow students when confronting with academic problems. 当遇到学习困难时,小组学习者可以交流和分享观点,因此,小组学习节省时间。

17. Luckily enough,times have changed and the option of learning could be given to every individual learner. 时代不同,人人可以自己选择喜欢的学习方式

18. I used to study alone,but I feel that I myself missed the opportunity to enjoy face-to-face communication with my peers. Therefore, I would have preferred to study with a group of peers. 我过去喜欢自己学习,但是我错过了和同龄人交流的机会,所以,我更加喜欢小组学习。

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