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Task:Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?


小站名师版(308 words)


From my perspective, the development of elite sport may bring a range of benefits in the short term, but mass sport is more closely related to the well-being of the public in the long run.

1.新东方(318 words)


Although patriotism can be aroused by excellent performance, I hold the view that more sports facilities should be built to cater for the need of the public.

2.唐老雅版(314 words)


I think this investment is rewarding as long as it is not at the expenses of the sports facilities for the public.

3.Pandawriting版(322 words)


some people argue that such a phenomenon may be a negative development, but I cannot agree with this opinion.

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