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9分雅思图表写作范文全集之流程图 数码照片生产流程

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9分雅思范文之流程图 数码照片生产流程The diagram below shows the process of producing photographs using digital equipment.


Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.Write at least 150 Words.


The given image is a diagrammatic illustration of the process of producing photographs with the help of latest digital technology. The entire procedure contains three main steps namely capturing, editing and printing.

The process begins when an image is clicked or a video is recorded on the digital camera which contains a storage unit like a smart memory card. The data stored on this memory card is then downloaded to a computer where the images are formatted and cropped. This improves the final quality of the picture.

The edited images can then be sent by e-mail or stored on a compact disc for later use and sharing. It may also be forwarded to a printing device equipped with special photo paper for printing coloured or black and white photos.

Thus, in order to generate a high quality physical photo, three main devices are essential. These devices are a digital camera, a computer capable of processing the data and a printing unit.

Total Words: 162

Task Achievement: 9

Coherence & Cohesion: 9

Lexical resources: 9

Grammar: 9

Overall Score: Band 9

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