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Scientists believe that eating fast food is harmful to one’s health. Some people think that education can help them change that bad habit. Others, however, argue that education does not work.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 科学家认为吃快餐有害健康,有人认为教育可以帮助人们改变这个不良习惯,有人认为教育不起作用,讨论两种观点。(2010年12月11日雅思考试题目 )

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So prevailing are the fast foods that some teenagers are in the habit eating junk foods nearly every week. From the perspective of some nutritionists, too much intake of sugar, calorie and fat is undoubtedly health-threatening, for fast food, in most cases, is low in nutritional value. People differ greatly in their views as to how to foster wholesome dietary habit. As I see it, educating the public about the dangers of unhealthy eating, regulating baneful sales and food advertisements to children and lowering the price of healthy foods should be used together to help people keep fit.


Granted, one effective way to promote a healthy diet is to educate people about the potential risks of unhealthy diet. Modern people might opt for healthier meals and snacks if they are taught that fast foods are high in salt, fat and sugar. To illustrate, I myself changed my unwholesome eating habits after watching television programs on how to preserve health. Also, while it is of great significance to educate adult eater, schoolchildren should be main target for education because they are not only in their formative years but also the regular eaters of fast foods.


In addition to education, other ways to promote healthy eating are not far to seek. First, methods should be adopted to strictly censor those junk food advertisement aiming at children. Meanwhile, bundle sale of children’ meals by giving out gift toys ought to be banned. Virtually, American has already enacted relevant legislations to restrict such sale promotion of KFC and Mcdonald's. Also, it is imperative for the governments to ensure that healthy foods are cheaper so that people could afford to buy the wholesome foods. Imaginably,the decreased price of fresh fruits and vegetable could enable more people to enjoy healthier foods.


Overall, education could aid people to change bad eating habits. However, it also works to restrain the improper publicity and sale of fast food restaurant as well as lower the price of wholesome foods


1. So prevailing are the fast foods that some children and youngsters are in the habit of eating fast foods nearly every week. 快餐是如此流行,以至于很多孩子或青少年现在有每周几乎吃快餐的习惯。

【拓展】prevailing = prevalent = popular adj 流行的

2. wholesome = healthy = sound adj健康的

3. junk foods n垃圾食品

4. alter one’s dietary habit = change one’s eating habit v 改变一个人的饮食习惯

5. be detrimental to health = undermine one’s health v有害健康

6. is a health-threatening practice v有害健康的做法

7. be conducive to one’s health = conduce to one’s health = is beneficial to one’s health v有益健康

8. keep fit = stay healthy v保持健康

9. is low in nutritional value v营养价值很低

10. contribute to obesity = give rise to= overweight = lead to fatness v导致肥胖

11. bundle sale n捆绑销售

12. avoid too much intake of sugar, calorie and fat v避免太多的糖分、脂肪、热量的摄入

13. Healthy food should be made cheaper. 健康食品应价格低廉

14. The advertising of junk foods aiming at children should be reasonably regulated 针对儿童的垃圾食品广告应该被合理规范

15. inspire encourage people to eat natural foods v鼓励人们吃天然食品

16. foster reasonable and regular dietary habit v培养健康规律的饮食习惯

【拓展】foster = cultivate = develop v 培养

17. make people have a deeper insight into how to acquire balanced nutrition v 加深人们对于获得均衡营养的洞察

18. It is imperative for the government to call on wholesome dietary habit. 号召健康饮食,对于政府而言势在必行。

19. personal importance should be attached to the sanitation of eating and drinking 个人应该重视饮食卫生。

20. On no account can we ignore the immense value of health management, no matter how busy we are. 无论我们多忙,我们不能忽视健康管理的巨大价值。


People should look after their health as a duty to the society they live in rather than personal benefits. Do you agree or not agree? 保持健康是尽到了社会责任,不是对于个人有益,是否认同?


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