为大家带来10月28日最新雅思写作范文,本场考试的题目是社会类话题,题目是:Nowadays, people can choose the place they live and work because of the development of communication technology and transport. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages? 随着现代通讯技术和交通的发展,人们能够自主选择自己的居住地和工作地点,这是利大于弊的事吗?
Unlike those who live in one specific place for generations, more people in modern world can live and work wherever they want due to the development of communication technology and transport. Although this phenomenon brings a few negative effects, I strongly believe that this is a good trend because its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.
Firstly, this phenomenon provides people with more options of places that they would like to live or work in, so that they can better enjoy their lives. Not everyone likes the place where he or she was born or has been living for a long time. People would be much happier if they live in a land where they have better lives. For example, a land with better welfare guarantees people living there better living standard.
Secondly, if people can live or work anywhere they want in some countries, they can make full use of what is available for them. A country can be divided into several parts that focus on different areas. For example, international commerse can be easily carried out in coastal cities. People can take advantage of different functional areas of a country to obtain what are provided.
Of course, this may also cause some unnecessary problems. No matter how advanced it is, communication technology can never be better than face to face contact. It may not deliver messages as well as face to face contact does. Likewise, the probability of having a traffic accident is higher as more transportation is conducted.
To sum up, this phenomenon has more advantages than disadvantages. It guarantees a better life and makes our society be efficiently exploited. (271 words)
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