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给大家带来2017年12月9日场的雅思写作大作文高分范文,社会类话题,题目是:A rise in the standard of living in a country often seems to only benefit cities rather than rural areas. What problems might this difference cause? How might these problems be reduced?在一个国家,生活水平的提高似乎只会让城市而不是农村地区受益。这一差异会造成什么问题?如何减少这些问题呢?



Economic success in many countries has brought about the improvement of living conditions. However, rural areas tend to fall behind urban areas in this aspect and a series of problems may arise as a result.

Undoubtedly, the urban-rural gap is unfair to the rural population, and more people are expected to migrate to the city in pursuit of a better life. The massive migration would cause the shortage of resources in education, healthcare and transportation in the city. The soaring house prices and severe traffic congestions in major cities are good examples of this, illustrating that the urban infrastructure virtually cannot accommodate the fast growing population,

In addition, for those rural residents, swarming into large cities does not seem to be an ideal choice. The fierce competition in the job market, together with their disadvantages in terms of personal resources, may make them frustrated and disappointed. Their leaving can also worsen the shortage of labor force in the countryside, impeding its economic progress. With the urban-rural gap further widening, a vicious circle would be formed.

To break this circle, the government needs to play a leading role and the first step is perhaps to implement preferential policies to support the development of rural areas. For instance, by subsidizing the agricultural sector, the income of farmers would increase and then more people would choose to do farm work. Another solution is to construct small towns and relocate some enterprises out of large cities. If more jobs were created and the local government's revenues were raised, fewer people would leave their hometown and the disparity between the city and the countryside would be narrowed.(272words)


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本文标题:2017年12月9日雅思考试写作真题大作文高分范文 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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