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2018年11月17日场的雅思写作话题为高频的社会生活类话题,题目是:The qualities a person needs to become truly successful cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institution.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 一个人想要真正成功所需要的品质是无法在大学或类似的学术机构学到的。对于这个观点,你同意多少?
需要先考虑此处“qualities” 具体涉及到哪些内容,然后结合大学教育的目的展开论述。
A successful person is equipped with diverse qualities such as friendly personality and problem-solving capacity. Some people contend that students fail to learn those qualities in a university or academic institutions. From my perspective, some of qualities can be acquired in higher education.
On one hand, two outstanding qualities could be learned in universities. The first one is to specialize in a certain field. One of aims of university education is to impart professional knowledge and principles to students. In other words, through learning systematic courses of their majors, students are expected to be proficient in understanding and applying theoretical knowledge, forming the basis of a promising career path in the future. Critical thinking ability is another significant quality. Universities are learning communities where knowledge is not disseminated but also advanced. As member of this community, college students are not information recipients; instead, they are encouraged to challenge and think critically to achieve their potential and skills. A case in the point is that, in a language teaching class, the professor may require those potential teachers to discuss the topic that whether situational teaching methodology (which is commonly deemed as a more effective method of language teaching) is better than rote memorization. It is the critical thinking that assists students in having comprehensive coverage of issues and overcoming obstacles efficiently.
On the flip side, other qualities successful persons have can not be gained in academic institutions, among which the essential one is the higher level of social skill. Generally, there is no relevant curricula set up by universities; in consequence, it is less likely for students to enhance such skill via knowledge learning. What’s more, self-study and independent learning, which serve as the backbone in university campus life, diminish the opportunities for learners to interact with peers and mentors. In addition, kindness, mercy, modesty, integrity and other noble characters are mostly formed by parents’ guidance and role models rather than university education.
In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, higher education cultivates students into specialized talents and develops their critical thinking, enabling them to obtain several but not all qualities that a person needs to become truly successful.

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本文标题:2018年11月17日雅思写作真题回忆及参考答案:社会生活类 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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