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考鸭们都知道,2018年的雅思写作话题都来自于历史题库。本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文——生活类话题:Shops should not be allowed to sell any food and drinks which are proved to be scientifically harmful for people's health. Do you agree or disagree?——2014年12月13日雅思写作真题







As the concern for health is growing, the food safety issues have triggered many debates in recent decades. Some people put an argument that shops are not permitted to sell any harmful food forward. I disagree with this opinion and will give supporting ideas from two (shop and food) aspects.


To shops, it is a reasonable right that big stores can sell any legal commodities, including those foods which are harmful to people’s health. The act of purchasing and selling is a business activity, which is irrelevant to public health and business responsibilities. Shops do not need to take the consequences for customers’ personal choice since everybody is free to choose what they want to eat and drink. Besides, some recognized bad foods are truly quite popular among the public; therefore, shops will lose considerable economic benefits if they stop selling these goods. These bad foods with low nutritional valuer like processed food and canned drinks are usually taste good because the producer often add different kinds of addictives to these foods and drinks in order to enhance their flavors. Also, some processed foods are even regarded traditional food that people will have almost every day, pickle is a telling example. In addition, because of the lower price, some food like genetically modified products are attractive to general public, despite the fact that they may undermine people’s health.


In conclusion, it is unnecessary for shops to stop selling any harmful foods and drinks, not only because they have right to choose foods and drinks to sell but also because they will suffer huge financial loss from doing this.



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本文标题:2018年雅思写作话题及范文:商店禁售有害食物 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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