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考鸭们都知道,2018年的雅思作文真题都来自于历史题库。本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文——社会类话题:In many countries nowadays, more and more women have full-time jobs as men do, so there is a logic that men and women should share the housework tasks equally.To what extent do you agree or disagree?——2014年5月10日


Although in many societies, women are engaged in an extensive range of positions just as men are, it is still illogical to claim that the two parts should take the same amount of household tasks.


Considering the reality, it is not sensible to reckon that men and women should shoulder chores equally. Social norms widely exist in many cultures, in which the two sexes are tightly bound to different roles. Men are expected to undertake more financial responsibilities to support families, while women are deemed as those who take charge of domestic tasks. Despite the fact that there are increasing career opportunities for women, various sex-related barriers such as glass ceiling mean that female workers are less likely to make professional achievements, and hence economical rewards, than male employees. Thus, requiring men to shift their concerns from career and to level up the time and energy they put on housework with women is counterproductive to the interest of individual families.


However, contrary to the thought that women are more capable of doing household tasks than men, in many cases, it is males who exceed their female partners in chores, both in terms of quantity and quality. Men naturally are stronger than women, so they take the majority of works demanding strength, including repairing and gardening. Many husbands are more creative than wives and are proved as better cooks and housekeepers. Even men can be more competent than women in the areas which are regarded as female dominant, like baby care and needling.


Therefore, it does not make perfect logical sense to believe that women should share equal household duties because they both work full time.







首段:背景介绍(个性开篇) + 争议焦点(句型引导) + 作家立场(清晰表达)



内容:第一,鼓励男性做家务体现了男女平等, 现代社会,女性压力很大,工作劳累,男性作为家庭支柱应该主动承担更多的家务。第二,一起做饭一起洗衣服加强了家庭联系,增进了夫妻感情。但是,也有可能,夫妻间因为做家务的事情产生争执。



尾段:总结段:再次亮明观点 + 总结理由


1. Currently, it is not rare to see that 当前,这一点很常见……(很多的男性不做家务)

2. Conflicting ideas clash in determining whether or not……矛盾的观点在碰撞关于是否……(男性应该被鼓励做家务)

3. …… promote the mutual affection between the couple v 增进夫妻感情

词汇:affection 感情(男女情爱)

4. …… enable man to brave career challenges energetically v 使男性精力充沛地应对事业的挑战(女性做家务使得男性精力充沛地应对事业的挑战)

5. …… harmonize the family life optimistically 乐观地实现家庭的和谐(男性做家务)

6. …… strengthen the family tie v 增强家庭联系(家庭关系部不紧密)

7. make joint efforts to undertake the toilsome housework v 一起努力做辛苦的家务

8. tidy up the room = clean up the room v 整理房间(细节展开)

9. do the washing-up v 洗餐具(细节展开)

10. do the cooking v 做饭(细节展开)

11. somebody is supposed to play the role of housekeeper v 承担管家的责任

12. ……occupied business leaders seldom have time or energy to embark on the trivial housework 没有时间和精力做微不足道的家务:(一定可以用到)

13. Feeling exhausted in both body and mind after a tiring day, those manual labors are reluctant to undertake those boring housework. 在劳累一天后,体力劳动者感到身心疲累,不愿意做累人的家务。

14. I have concede that 我承认……(复习)

15. However, problems inevitably ensue. 问题随着发生:(复习)

16. …… embody the equality between men and women 体现了男女平等

17. Some arguments might arise due to the allocation of unfair housework 不合理的家务分配引起矛盾

18. undertake = get involved in = take up = embark on …… 从事……(词汇变化)

19. chore n.家务杂事(写作亮点;一定可用)

20. intimate family relationship n 亲密的家庭关系 (写作亮点;一定可用)


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本文标题:2018年雅思大作文写作真题范文之:男女搭配干活不累? - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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