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考鸭们都知道,2018年的雅思作文真题都来自于历史题库。本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文——社会类话题:It is important for all towns and cities to have large public outdoor places like squares and parks. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2014年3月15日)



第一个问题,抓住题干关键词large public space,围绕它展开讨论。最好能集中在large上更为切题,因为饭店等前途不怎么large的地方也属于公共一部分。














"Claustrophobia” is recently a word that is stranger to the people living in big cities, which describes a newly found psychological disease. People who have claustrophobia usually find it depressed and unbearable to stay in a confined place for a long time due to different reasons. However, the problem is that most of us do have to stay indoor(office, workshop, classroom, etc.) for the most of the time of the life. Therefore, it is of great necessity to welcome more large public places like parks and squares where the citizens can get close to the nature and get rid of the pressure in working or studying time.


The large public spaces, first and foremost, provide a regular way for the local people to do things of all kinds more than their work. Sports like jogging or playing badminton, which cannot usually be realized indoor, will certainly become one of the best choice for the young and the old in spare time to get refreshed after a whole day’s heavy workload. Additionally, parks with plants are also somewhere for people to have a bite to eat during the break while they are busy, probably meeting someone interesting. Last but not the least, establishing as many as those large public places, the image of the city will be laddered up for the garden is no doubt to be carefully attended. It should be always cherished for the city people to have more green plants.


However, it does not mean those places are without any disadvantages. A recent case centered on the riot instigated by a gang of terrorists in the commercial street of Changsha, leading to several death. It is always those densely populated public places that become the target of terrorists.


In conclusion, it is a great policy for governments to set up as many large public places as possible. Meanwhile, they should also make sure that the precaution work has already been done.



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