

阅读 :


A Study the following pie chart carefully and write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes.

B Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

C Your essay should meet the requirements below:

1 Describe the pie chart.

2 State the possible benefits brought about by the investment.

3 Suggest measures helping to attract investment from outside

Investment in Beijing from Different Countries and Regions

Hong Kong ---44%

Japan --- 19.2%


Other 23 countries ---21.8%

自从1979年中国对外开放以来,北京在吸引投资合资企业方面已取得了显著成绩。根据图示,不同企业的投资者来自26个国家和地区。香港的投资额居第一位,占总额的44%。 日本占19.2%,居第二位。美国为第三,占16%。



Since China opened its door to the outside world in 1979, Beijing has made remarkable results in attracting foreign business to invest in joint ventures. According to the pie chart, the investors in different enterprises come from 26 countries and regions. Hong Kong investment ranks first, accounting for 44 per cent of the total. Japan’s investment makes up 19.2 per cent, putting it in second spot. Third is the United States at 16 per cent.

It is generally believed that Beijing benefits a lot from the outside investment. In the first place, a large number of joint ventures have been set up, which contributes greatly to the development of Capital Economy. Secondly, the foreign-invested enterprises offer a lot of jobs to the residents in Beijing. This in turn relieves the problem of laid-off workers in the city. Finally, the high-tech enterprises in the capital will grow rapidly as Beijing enjoys the same preferential policies as coastal cities open to the outside world.

As far as the measures to attract outside investment are concerned, I think they are as follows. On the one hand, we should make special efforts to improve the investment environment. On the other hand, we should take advantage of this opportunity to run the present foreign-invested enterprises efficiently. ( 210 words )

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