
Personal experience 个人经历

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What the drawing is trying to express is very conspicuous! The eye?catching scene depicted has become a common sight on college campuses in recent years. Speculating about the stock market is no longer a new thing among college students and continues to become more popular. A kind of stock trading league has even been set up at several universities. However, should a university student invest in the stock market? Just as every coin has two sides, there are also two sides to a student’s decision to invest and trade in the stock market. On the negative side, following the stock market is very time-consuming, and, as a student’s main priority is to study, may undermine academic pursuits. Furthermore, students often do not have the financial means to take on large ventures in the stock market, and thus could hardly withstand potential losses. On the other hand, if stock market investment is economically feasible for the student, it is a different story. Assuming one can manage his or her time well enough to keep up with studies, investing in the stock market can be a great way to get first-hand financial experience, while at the same time preparing one for life after college. Based on the points discussed above, personally, I hold the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. After pondering the question on several occasion, I have finally arrived at conclusion that stock market investment should not be recommended to most college students.

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