

阅读 :

The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of unity. Definitely,No one can deny the importance of unity. Unity/solidarity enables people to achieve their objectives more smoothly and rapidly . By uniting, people are more likely to reduce unnecessary conflicts and frictions, take full advantage of each other’s strength and thus eventually defeat those seemingly invincible hardships and challenges. To further demonstrate the importance of unity, I would like to take the Chinese Communist Party as a case in point: how could she achieve the victory of the Anti-Japanese War if she failed to unite Chinese people of all ethnic groups ?

From my perspective, at no time should we underestimate the power of unity. What’s more, we should foster the consciousness of unity and always bear in mind that it is unity, instead of inpidual’s capability, that the achievement of any course depends on. “United we stand, pided we fall.” The U.S. president John Adams also once said.

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