

阅读 :

     Provide a Better Life for Senior Citizens

  Now we have a growing population of senior citizens. To ensure happy lives for them has become a focus of attention. Our traditional respect of the aged needs updating. They deserve respect, understanding, coMPAnion, entertainment and so on.

  There are many things to be done to honor senior citizens. In cities, senior citizens should enjoy some privileges, such as special seats on buses, reduced fares for entertainment and traveling, and other benefits. We should do everything to solve their practical problems, to warm their hearts, and to make them happy. In addition, we should find some ways to pi'ovide affordable medical health care,which is of vital importance to them. Besides, there should be recreation halls and care- centers for the aged. Most important of all, the state should ensure a decent pension for them, peasants in particular. In the vast countryside, most aged people are financially supported by their sons, whose life is aperpetual struggle against poverty. What can they do if they are childless?

  Senior citizens, parents in particular, need our love and deserve the best care. Respecting senior citizens bears vital importance to the family - planning policy in China. If we do our best to honor ourparents and the aged, our children will follow our example.

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本文标题:2014考研英语作文模板范例:为老年人提供更好的生活 - 考研英语作文_考研英语作文模板_考研英语作文范文


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